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    Dòng 1: Dòng 1:
    | __TOC__
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    Dòng 47: Dòng 43:
    == Kỹ thuật chung ==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====lấy trộm=====
    | __TOC__
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    === Kỹ thuật chung ===
    =====lấy trộm=====
    === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===
    =====Take (away), appropriate, filch, shoplift, pilfer,purloin, make or walk off or away with, get away with; embezzle,misappropriate, peculate; Colloq lift, pinch, hook, snitch,borrow, US boost, liberate, heist, hijack, Slang swipe, Britnick, prig, US hoist: The thieves stole only the emeralds,leaving the diamonds. The bookkeeper stole the money bydiverting it into his own account. 2 plagiarize, pirate, copy,imitate, appropriate, usurp, take: He claims that the story ofthe film was stolen from his short story. 3 sneak, creep, slip,tiptoe, prowl, lurk, skulk, Colloq pussyfoot: Silently, westole into the garden at the rear of the house.=====
    =====Take (away), appropriate, filch, shoplift, pilfer,purloin, make or walk off or away with, get away with; embezzle,misappropriate, peculate; Colloq lift, pinch, hook, snitch,borrow, US boost, liberate, heist, hijack, Slang swipe, Britnick, prig, US hoist: The thieves stole only the emeralds,leaving the diamonds. The bookkeeper stole the money bydiverting it into his own account. 2 plagiarize, pirate, copy,imitate, appropriate, usurp, take: He claims that the story ofthe film was stolen from his short story. 3 sneak, creep, slip,tiptoe, prowl, lurk, skulk, Colloq pussyfoot: Silently, westole into the garden at the rear of the house.=====
    Dòng 59: Dòng 56:
    =====Bargain, (good) buy, Colloq give-away: At that price,the rug was a steal!=====
    =====Bargain, (good) buy, Colloq give-away: At that price,the rug was a steal!=====
    === Oxford===
    == Oxford==
    =====V. & n.=====
    ===V. & n.===
    =====V. (past stole; past part. stolen) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.) a take (another person's property) illegally. b take(property etc.) without right or permission, esp. in secret withthe intention of not returning it.=====
    =====V. (past stole; past part. stolen) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.) a take (another person's property) illegally. b take(property etc.) without right or permission, esp. in secret withthe intention of not returning it.=====

    19:02, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008


    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ .stole; .stolen

    Ăn cắp, lấy trộm
    he stole a bun from the shop
    hắn ta đã lấy cắp cái bánh sữa ở cửa hàng
    Lấy bất thình lình, làm vụng trộm; khéo chiếm được (bằng thủ đoạn kín đáo...)
    to steal a kiss
    hôn trộm
    to steal away someone's heart
    khéo chiếm được cảm tình của ai (bằng thủ đoạn kín đáo...)

    Nội động từ

    ( + in, out, away) lẻn, chuồn; đi lén
    to steal out of the room
    lẻn ra khỏi phòng
    to steal into the house
    lẻn vào trong nhà
    steal by
    lẻn đến cạnh, lẻn đến bên
    steal up
    lẻn đến gần
    steal someone's thunder
    phỗng tay trên ai
    steal a march (on somebody)
    lén đến trước (ai); tranh thủ trước (ai)
    steal the sceneshow
    giành được chú ý/hoan nghênh nhiệt liệt
    steal somebody's thunder
    phỗng tay trên ai

    Danh từ

    (từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) sự ăn trộm; sự trộm cắp
    (từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) (thông tục) giá hời; món hời; công việc dễ dàng

    hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Kỹ thuật chung

    lấy trộm

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Take (away), appropriate, filch, shoplift, pilfer,purloin, make or walk off or away with, get away with; embezzle,misappropriate, peculate; Colloq lift, pinch, hook, snitch,borrow, US boost, liberate, heist, hijack, Slang swipe, Britnick, prig, US hoist: The thieves stole only the emeralds,leaving the diamonds. The bookkeeper stole the money bydiverting it into his own account. 2 plagiarize, pirate, copy,imitate, appropriate, usurp, take: He claims that the story ofthe film was stolen from his short story. 3 sneak, creep, slip,tiptoe, prowl, lurk, skulk, Colloq pussyfoot: Silently, westole into the garden at the rear of the house.
    Bargain, (good) buy, Colloq give-away: At that price,the rug was a steal!


    V. & n.
    V. (past stole; past part. stolen) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.) a take (another person's property) illegally. b take(property etc.) without right or permission, esp. in secret withthe intention of not returning it.
    Tr. obtain surreptitiouslyor by surprise (stole a kiss).
    Tr. a gain insidiously orartfully. b (often foll. by away) win or get possession of (aperson's affections etc.), esp. insidiously (stole her heartaway).
    Intr. (foll. by in, out, away, up, etc.) a move, esp.silently or stealthily (stole out of the room). b (of a soundetc.) become gradually perceptible.
    Tr. a (in varioussports) gain (a run, the ball, etc.) surreptitiously or by luck.b Baseball reach (a base) by deceiving the fielders.
    UScolloq. the act or an instance of stealing or theft.
    Colloq.an unexpectedly easy task or good bargain.
    Stealer n.(also in comb.). [OE stelan f. Gmc]

    Tham khảo chung

    • steal : National Weather Service
    • steal : Corporateinformation
    • steal : Chlorine Online

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