• Revision as of 19:49, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Admin (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

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    loạn tâm thần

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Mad, demented, psychotic, schizophrenic, schizoid, noncompos mentis, manic, maniacal, lunatic, deranged, unbalanced,psychoneurotic, neurotic, eccentric, crazy, of unsound mind,crazed, unhinged, out of one's mind or head, mad as a hatter ora March hare, quirky, Colloq round the bend or twist, off one'srocker or chump, loopy, loony, certifiable, mental, screwy,dotty, cuckoo, not all there, not have all one's marbles,off-the-wall, out of it, Brit potty, Slang daft, nutty (as afruit cake), nuts, spaced out, spacy, batty, have bats in one'sbelfry, not right upstairs, barmy (in the crumpet), crackers,have a screw loose, schizo, Brit bonkers, US bugs, bughouse,loco, crazy as a bedbug, (gone) off the deep end, kooky, kinky,out to lunch: Witney was certified insane andinstitutionalized. You're insane if you think I am going out onthat ledge. 2 stupid, dumb, dull, silly, asinine, ridiculous,idiotic, irrational, absurd, fatuous, ludicrous, foolish,nonsensical, irresponsible, reckless, wild, imbecilic, moronic,feeble-minded, hare-brained, addle-pated, addle-brained,scatterbrained, thimble-witted, attocerebral, Brit gormless,Colloq nutty, screwy, crazy: People in love sometimes do insanethings.


    Not of sound mind; mad.
    Colloq. extremely foolish;irrational.
    Insanely adv. insaneness n. insanity n. (pl.-ies). [L insanus (as IN-(1), sanus healthy)]

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