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    Đã gửi cách đây 5583 ngày

    Those are mature words coming from downtown(khu buôn bán) fashion's pied piper(sự pha màu sắc)—but Wang's take on "timeless"(vô tận) means a classic(kinh điển) gray sweatshirt fused with a corset(áo ngực), or cut short and boxy and worn over lace-up(giày cao) caramel(màu nâu nhạt) leather shorts. The look here was varsity pinup, as if a bevy(nhóm) of cool but wayward(ương ngạch) high-school girls had raided(khám) the locker room armed with a pair of scissors. Ribbed athletic socks with sliced-out(cắt) backs were tucked(gấp) into tasseled(trang trí bằng tua) wedgie loafers(kẻ lười nhác) and rugged(ghồ ghề), zippered(khóa kéo) sandal boots. There was a wink-nudge cleverness to "tighty whitey" dresses and a bag that looks like a deflated football, though other bits of fun in this vein will be too costumey to appear very often outside of magazine shoots.

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