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    Đã gửi cách đây 5260 ngày

    My first mobile phone

    My first mobile phone is a special possession I own, which is almost beside me. It belonged to my brother, who bought it at his first salary five years ago. That was a black – white Nokia which has not got many functions except listening, calling and clock. It looks old but quite solid. The cover was grey and made from plastic. Keypad was threadbare and had many scratches after many years used and many times being felt. Screen is small and not very clear but I only use it for conversations and messages so it is not a problem. This mobile phone has gone with me since I was far from my family for studying. When I graduated from high school, my brother gave it to me. It helped me connect with my relatives and friends. I still save some messages from the first days far from home. Up to now, I had some other mobile phones but I have never intended to change it. Incase of it is out of order, I will keep it like a souvenir. Sếp ơi, sếp comment giúp cho em bài này được không sếp, bọn em đang tập viết đoạn. dạng này là Descriptive paragraph sếp ạh. em chỉ là cư dân sống trong rừng thôi, nhưng sếp giúp em nhé.

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