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    MargaritaCurrie (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
    (New page: Anyone believe in the ability to translate dreams like Freud does?<br>I might like to learn about some darkish dreams or cast off that you had in case you mind sharing and an meaning of th...)
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    Anyone believe in the ability to translate dreams like Freud does?
    I might like to learn about some darkish dreams or cast off that you had in case you mind sharing and an meaning of them as well.

    We once a new dream exactly where I was in ancient Rome plus there was an enormous and beautiful statue of Venus. About larger than the city itself. It had been big plus turned living. This chased after me personally and the Roman Army itself. I was the Germanic slave in Rome in the dream as well of a thinker with a rope around my neck. I was then released and stepped on lightly by sculpture... after that worshiped it when i was struck by a sharp sting like a mix.... then your statue took me with her temple and I was assaulted by female players only to become a slave again feeling pleasure plus falling in love with the situation.

    I quickly woke upward.. as well as the dream was repetitive in the sequence method almost... it had been pretty amazing... my interpretation from it is it can be both an summary and concrete mention of the BDSM plus fetishistic wishes.
    Desires are all signs plus metaphors, glare of the unconscious mind. Efficient dream interpretation is definitely complicated.. to be successful one needs to comprehend the private and subjective connotations from the symbols and elements inside the dream. Because of this self-interpretation or guided interpretation is often probably the most prosperous.

    Several dream concept speculates that each thing in the fantasy, every person, object, etc, is really a reflection from the dreamer in some way. Therefore it is a few understanding which part of them has been expressed and what it's private meaning will be.

    What Rome means to -you-, exactly what Venus way to -you- what her being a statue after which arriving at life... means to -you-, and so on, etc . Exactly the same dream might mean something very different to another person. For example, somebody not into BDSM.. lol. So it's not merely in regards to the elements in the dream, but the way you personally connect with them, that should be recognized, for effective dream interpretation to happen.

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