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    20:17, ngày 15 tháng 11 năm 2007

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    (thông tục) (viết tắt) của .you .will, .you .shall

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    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Youthful, teenage(d), adolescent, prepubescent,pubescent, juvenile, minor, junior, under age: Would youbelieve that she has young children?
    Boyish, girlish;immature, callow, green, inexperienced, unfledged, uninitiated,unsophisticated, childlike, innocent, na‹ve: This programme maycontain material unsuitable for young ears.
    Childish,puerile, infantile, babyish, US sophomoric: Hes too young toinvite to the party.
    Offspring, babies, issue, little ones, progeny, litter,brood; children: The cats young should stay with her for a fewweeks.


    Adj. & n.

    Adj. (younger; youngest) 1 not far advanced inlife, development, or existence; not yet old.
    Immature orinexperienced.
    Felt in or characteristic of youth (younglove; young ambition).
    Representing young people (YoungConservatives; Young England).
    Distinguishing a son from hisfather (young Jones).
    (younger) a distinguishing one personfrom another of the same name (the younger Pitt). b Sc. theheir of a landed commoner.
    N. (collect.) offspring, esp. ofanimals before or soon after birth.
    With young (of an animal)pregnant. young blood see BLOOD. younger hand Cards the secondplayer of two. young fustic see FUSTIC. young hopeful seeHOPEFUL. young idea the child's mind. young lady colloq. agirlfriend or sweetheart. young man a boyfriend or sweetheart.young person Law (in the UK) a person generally between 14 and17 years of age. Young Pretender Charles Stuart (1720-80),grandson of James II and claimant to the British throne. youngthing archaic or colloq. an indulgent term for a young person.Young Turk 1 a member of a revolutionary party in Turkey in1908.
    A young person eager for radical change to theestablished order. young turk offens. a violent child oryouth. young 'un colloq. a youngster. young woman colloq. agirlfriend or sweetheart.
    Youngish adj. youngling n. [OEg(e)ong f. Gmc]

    Tham khảo chung

    • young : National Weather Service
    • young : amsglossary
    • young : Corporateinformation
    • young : Chlorine Online

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