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    (New page: {|align="right" | __TOC__ |} ==Từ điển thông dụng== ===Tính từ=== =====Có tội, phạm tội, tội ác===== ::a criminal act ::hành động tội ác ::[[crimin...)
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    01:09, ngày 16 tháng 11 năm 2007

    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Có tội, phạm tội, tội ác
    a criminal act
    hành động tội ác
    criminal law
    luật hình
    criminal conversation

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    Danh từ

    Kẻ phạm tội, tội phạm
    war criminal
    tội phạm chiến tranh

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Illegal, unlawful, illicit, lawless, dishonest, Colloqcrooked: Arson is a criminal act. We have to weed out thecriminal element.
    Wicked, evil, bad, wrong, corrupt, vile,black, immoral, amoral, sinful, villainous, iniquitous,flagitious, depraved; disgraceful, reprehensible: The way theytreat their children is absolutely criminal.
    Felon, convict, lawbreaker, outlaw, culprit, offender,miscreant, malefactor, wrongdoer, villain, scoundrel, knave,blackguard; gangster, Mafioso, desperado, racketeer; hoodlum,thug, hooligan, tough, ruffian, terrorist, Colloq roughneck, badguy, black hat, bad hat, baddie or baddy, crook; Slang hood, USmobster: He was arrested for consorting with known criminals.


    N. & adj.

    N. a person who has committed a crime or crimes.
    Of, involving, or concerning crime (criminal records).2 having committed (and usu. been convicted of) a crime.
    Lawrelating to or expert in criminal law rather than civil orpolitical matters (criminal code; criminal lawyer).
    Colloq.scandalous, deplorable.
    Criminality n. criminally adv. [ME f. LL criminalis(as CRIME)]

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