But life will be a cycle, so when "the edge" will be subsided. So may your require surrounding this. Maybe you have much more success here than with the WB....
I acquire concerned when I observe your posts sometimes as they somewhat indicate quik conclusions. Prozac WILL include up to help you uncomfortable amounts from 40mgs entire day. I DOUBT There's ANYONE WHO Can easily HANDLE THAT MUCH Realistically. 20 is actually probably perfect.
You can find that prozac does absolutely not hold the discontinuation issues of lexipro. That is actually related to help you paxil in measure and overall negative effects. One difference getting no discontiuation side results due so that you can the long half life. Also keep in mind LP has serious delicate results article discontinuation in order to move forward for 3months to help you a year depending on lengths I dont think this exists so badly with prozac. These are really the stricter type drugs, and never as manually concerning. You MAY do well on Prozac, but be certain and never OD in a mania.... That is a little. But also it is really not....
I have absolutely no experience pairing that with some other drugs like WB though.
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