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    Here, I am very excited to introduce you to definitely author Scott Spotson. He is one of the great author’s on Goodreads, which is where we met. Scott has written three books: Life II, a period travel novel; Seeking Dr. Magic, a novel that imagines what are the results every time a powerful wizard comes of age as being a son, and wreaks his chaos on the entire world, that is yet not aware of his existence; and You Know You’re Thin When…, a humor book using large single panel cartoons. He also carries a great blog and website that I recommend you take a look at! I love unique sites and also this one certainly ranks available online for as you you’ll remember.

    Scott Spotson can be Canadian, which I only mention because I think that is certainly cool and I’m frankly envious. Canada is awesome. And Canadian writers…well, I haven’t met the one which I didn’t like! So look at Scott’s interview and after that have a look at his books!

    And now, introducing author Scott Spotson:

    1. When do you first time writing?

    I started writing since elementary school. I would find out, personally, short stories, sometimes for classes, sometimes for myself. But not like novels. I did enter a brief story contest when I involved decade old, within my small town, and I won. I wrote my first novel when I was 20, plus it was dependant on a love triangle that two young male roommates at university have whenever a new university young woman walks into their lives. Also, one guy was more bookish even though the other guy was more of a James Dean type, as well as, the second one has got the girl in the end. (It was a clean young adult piece!) I sent it to 1 or two publishers, but nothing came of computer. This was way ahead of the time of the Internet, so I don it the shelf and didn’t write again for many more years.

    I started writing again this past year and was pleasantly surprised about how much everything had changed. Remembering the old paradigm, I even sent my new manuscript to a few publishers, but again nothing came from it. But now that people have basic and relatively cost-free self-publishing, I decided to self-publish this time, and I adore it. My first book to be published was “Life II,” a time-travel novel.

    2. What brought one to the crazy endeavor which is writing and self-publishing?

    I honestly didn’t understand about the ease of self-publishing nowadays. I thought I would once again have to go through mainstream publishing companies. That’s how dedicated I was. I was relieved afterwards, to learn that one can indeed self-publish without having to pay for a large number of books that no person ever reads. I found out through a local newspaper article in regards to a new local author, and I contacted her by email, and she in turn explained about Createspace. The rest is history.

    3. What are your hopes as being a writer?

    Well, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I hope to become famous as a possible author, and also to have my works become Hollywood blockbusters then retire rich! But my expectations today are modest: to possess as numerous readers enjoy my books whenever possible, and to truly ask them to decide to enjoy my books, rather than attempting to prove myself or get it done “for myself.” I think as soon as authors start realizing that their books aren't “in demand” is as soon as they must attempt to improve, or find new stories to share with, or leave industry to writers who can fare better. Happily, I am finding that my books will have a geniune market who enjoys them.

    4. You have three books published. How long did they take one to write? What is your preferred genre?

    YKYTW Cover FinalMy favourite genre can be science fiction, due to future-looking implications, and the possibility the unlimited can occur. Life II took about three months to publish, after about 4 weeks of plotting, then about two more months of editing. Seeking Dr. Magic took about two weeks of plotting, 8 weeks to write down, and 30 days of editing. You Know You’re Thin When… differs, because I actually didn’t do a lot of the book. I wrote the blurbs, but it took a little while (naturally) for that artists to draw the cartoons. They’re great!

    5. Tell me just a little bout your books and what you enjoyed and liked minimal about writing them.

    Life II Book Cover jpg Dec 21Well, Life II is very personal to me, because it re-imagines life should you lived it once again, changing whatever you can. I also loved the science fiction that intrudes upon an ordinary life, including watching the Time Weaver and after that that weird but incredible incident when Max sits in the cafe with Lucinda (look at book to find out more). A few reviewers have offered their opinion that they didn’t want very much science fiction in Life II, but I just couldn’t imagine just having Max shuttle into his new life lacking any explanation. Also, I just couldn’t imagine finishing off Max’s new life with no bit of a bang that ties returning to the Time Weaver. To me, the science fiction elements are what makes Life II deliciously fun to see.

    Dr Magic Cover March 9As for Seeking Dr. Magic, I think what's important is that I made it fun to learn, and I attemptedto embark two super egos that both needed to get cut down and accommodate reality. A lot of people informed me they loved both characters, it’s like a “cat-and-mouse” game, plus they found themselves rooting first character a single chapter, then your other in the next chapter, and forwards and backwards. That’s what exactly I attempted to do. It’s a tome battle with no tired truism which they must fight to the death.

    As for the purpose I liked the smallest amount of about writing my books, I think the thing is my impatience. I have the stories during my head, I want the books to be released the identical day. I find that it is hard to hold back to write and edit, and get the covers and acquire them published. I honestly don’t know how the original writers would wait eighteen months or 2 yrs to have their books published through the original publishing firms. Wow.

    6. How do you develop story ideas? Are you a plotter or would you write on-the-fly?

    I’m definitely a plotter. I carry a journal around beside me, and I take note of notes whenever I can. When outside and exercising on the distance, whether it be swimming, cycling, or jogging, may be the best. One time I was with a four hour cycle trip with our kids all-around home and yes it was hard, because I had developed about twenty scenes for the same one book inside my head and had to make an effort to memorize every one of them so I could write every one of them down later when I got home.
    I don’t start writing until I have a coherent plot. I may not have access to every chapter plotted out in advance, but I have every one of the scenes plotted out.

    7. Do you might have a work-in-progress? If so, inform me more regarding it.

    I have two underway.

    One is an affection triangle, with teenagers (but comfortably within their late 20’s, so a lot more like a grownup book) where among the two women in the triangle is truly a witch, even though you wouldn’t realize it from looking at her. I don’t wish to share too much, but basically this witch leans toward the evil, with bouts of conscience among, and uses her magic powers to gradually remove her competition minus the other woman being aware of orlando. It’ll be a clean read, needless to say. “Delusional” must be published by August or September 2013

    The other is how four wizards arrogantly, but within the belief they are benevolent gods who is able to vastly improve society, take over power inside our current Earth. They bring their spirit of advanced knowledge and love of games and competition with them, so it’s a unique study in culture clash. We see what goes on in the event the “mortals,” by way of a Supreme Liaison named Amanda, herself one of many humans, respond to their new laws and economic reforms. “The Four Kings” must be published by October or November 2013.

    8. I met you by having a Goodreads review group, so I’m guessing you like to read too. What genres do you read?

    Really, I have an eclectic reading preference, it’s common for me to see four books at the same time, skipping from to a new depending on my interest that day. However, I don't especially like horror or consistently dystopian novels where there are few things to cheer for in the novel. I also don't especially like preachy books in which the author seems keen on sending an email, in lieu of entertaining. Certainly, books can impart lessons, in case your author can perform so through hooking your interest, that’s a good book.

    9. Every Indie author always seems to aiming to connect to and attract readers, so I need to ask: where can you head to find new things to learn?

    It’s impossible to not today, a lot of books just begging to become read. Through many fellow authors on Goodreads, I can find new indie books to see. I think the problem nowadays is too much choice, rather than too little. And that’s a great thing.

    10. What impacts your selection on which to buy to learn? Cover, book blurb, other reviews, sales/price? Which is most significant for you?

    I would repeat the story. If there is speculative fiction going on in the real world, I think that will grab my interest. Some people call it magic realism, but I want it at the personal level. If it’s something happens to me as I begin my boring life, plus it’s certainly impossible, also it’s in the book, I would love you just read it. That’s why I loved writing Life II. The main character finds himself surviving his life again, also it’s his choice. In Seeking Dr. Magic, a detective finds himself using his wits on a thing that hasn't happened in his world before – seeking an awesome being who just appears beyond nowhere. That’s why I loved Back to the Future – a teenage boy finds himself going back into time for you to meet his parents being the same age as him – exactly what a concept!

    Fellow authors, you have provide an extraordinary event happening to an ordinary citizen in the real world, and there is magic or science fiction involved, and there’s some (happy) wonder conveyed, send it in my opinion – I’ll examine it to suit your needs!


    Wow, that's a proposal! I’m sure there will be considered a people taking Scott high on that.

    Thanks a lot for the time, Scott. It has been great observing you and your novels sound great! For anyone who desires to go have a look, it is possible to continue with the links to get Life II and Dr. Magic

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