• Revision as of 13:03, ngày 15 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Ngochoang 4189 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

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    do dự

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Delay, hold or hang back, pause, dilly-dally, wait,temporize, think twice, balk, boggle at, shrink from, demur,scruple, Brit haver, jib, Colloq stall: He who hesitates islost.
    Fumble, equivocate, tergiversate, fluctuate, alternate,waver, dither, vacillate, shilly-shally: He hesitated betweenthe doors - did this one conceal the lady or the tiger? 3stammer, stutter, falter, sputter, splutter, stumble, hem andhaw: She hesitated throughout the speech purely from stagefright.



    (often foll. by about, over) show or feel indecisionor uncertainty; pause in doubt (hesitated over her choice).
    (often foll. by to + infin.) be deterred by scruples; bereluctant (I hesitate to inform against him).
    Hesitater n.hesitatingly adv. hesitation n. hesitative adj. [L haesitarefrequent. of haerere haes- stick fast]

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