• Revision as of 15:14, ngày 23 tháng 6 năm 2009 by PhanXiPang (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
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    Quốc gia

    Slovenia, officially the Republic of Slovenia, is a coastal Alpine country in southern Central Europe bordering Italy to the west, the Adriatic Sea to the southwest, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north. Throughout Slovenia's history, the country has been part of the Roman Empire, the Duchy of Carantania (only Slovenia's modern northern part), the Holy Roman Empire, Austria-Hungary, the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929) between the World Wars, and the SFR of Yugoslavia from 1945 until gaining independence in 1991. Slovenia is a member of the European Union, the Council of Europe, NATO, and has observer status in La Francophonie.
    Diện tích: 20,273 sq km
    Thủ đô: Ljubljana
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