• Revision as of 15:41, ngày 23 tháng 2 năm 2008 by (Thảo luận)

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    • Lettern. billet-doux, Archaic mash note: She saved all his loveletters.


    N. & v.

    An intense feeling of deep affection orfondness for a person or thing; great liking.
    Sexual passion.3 sexual relations.
    A a beloved one; a sweetheart (often as aform of address). b Brit. colloq. a form of address regardlessof affection.
    Colloq. a person of whom one is fond.
    Affectionate greetings (give him my love).
    (often Love) arepresentation of Cupid.
    (in some games) no score; nil.
    (also absol.) feel love or deep fondness for.
    Delight in; admire; greatly cherish.
    Colloq. like very much(loves books).
    (foll. by verbal noun, or to + infin.) beinclined, esp. as a habit; greatly enjoy; find pleasure in(children love dressing up; loves to find fault).
    A religious service ofMethodists, etc., imitating this. love game a game in which theloser makes no score. love-hate relationship an intenselyemotional relationship in which one or each party has ambivalentfeelings of love and hate for the other. love-in-a-mist ablue-flowered garden plant, Nigella damascena, with manydelicate green bracts. love-letter a letter expressing feelingsof sexual love. love-lies-bleeding a garden plant, Amaranthuscaudatus, with drooping spikes of purple-red blooms. love-matcha marriage made for love's sake. love-nest a place of intimatelovemaking. love-seat an armchair or small sofa for two. makelove (often foll. by to) 1 have sexual intercourse (with).
    Archaic pay amorous attention (to). not for love or moneycolloq. not in any circumstances. out of love no longer inlove.
    Loveworthy adj. [OE lufu f. Gmc]

    Tham khảo chung

    • love : Corporateinformation
    • love : Chlorine Online
    • love : Foldoc
    • love : bized

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