• Revision as of 18:44, ngày 25 tháng 5 năm 2008 by PUpPy (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

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    Thảm thêu

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    Trang trí bằng thảm

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    tranh thảm (dệt) thủ công



    (pl. -ies) 1 a a thick textile fabric in which colouredweft threads are woven to form pictures or designs. bembroidery imitating this, usu. in wools on canvas. c a pieceof such embroidery.
    Events or circumstances etc. comparedwith a tapestry in being intricate, interwoven, etc. (life'srich tapestry).
    Tapestried adj. [ME, alt. f. tapissery f.OF tapisserie f. tapissier tapestry-worker or tapisser tocarpet, f. tapis: see TAPIS]

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