• Revision as of 17:22, ngày 24 tháng 8 năm 2013 by ReganCochran (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
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    Acne can be a truly devastating condition, but those affected need not suffer indefinitely. The best way to combat acne is to gain a thorough education about its root causes and the most effective ways of treating it. Grab hold of the tips in this article and start clearing your complexion today.

    exposed skin care

    Try using strawberries to combat your acne outbreaks. Some people have some success using facial masks to prevent or even get rid of acne. Try making strawberries into a face mask. Puree and mix them with a bit of sour cream. Leave it on for a few minutes before washing it off. Repeat the process weekly.

    You can help keep acne away by washing your pillow case, at least every other day. Since your face lays on your pillow every night, oils and dirt from skin, get absorbed by your pillow case. This oil and dirt then becomes redistributed on your skin, causing more breakouts.

    To help control your acne, take on a 'less is more' approach. Use only one or two skincare products, so your skin can have the opportunity to heal by itself. Also, wear as little makeup as possible, and be sure to use makeup formulas that will not block your pores.

    Lots of people get acne when they are stressed. Stress causes the body to produce the hormone cortisol, which may trigger acne outbreaks. By engaging yourself in activities that you find relaxing (such as deep breathing or yoga), you can greatly decrease your chances of having an acne outbreak.

    To prevent redness caused by acne, you shouldn't use a facial mask more than once a week. While masks are very good for your skin, you don't want to overdo it. They can actually cause more harm than good if used too much. They will dry out your skin and your body will produce more oils, causing breakouts.

    Counteract the antibiotics you are taking with probiotics to effectively get rid of acne. Many people take antibiotics to help with their skin problems, but these pills also get rid of the bacteria in your body. This causes acne because you can't expel waste as well, and it comes out through your skin instead.

    One of the best ways to prevent acne problems is to wash your hair more than three times a week. Your hair has oils that can rub against your face and cause acne. If you wash your hair regularly, there is less of a chance of the oils from your hair transferring to your skin.

    One of the most important things that you must consider if you are affected with blemishes on your face is to dry out your pimple immediately when you feel one coming on. The less oil that is on your face at any given time, the better chance you have to expedite the healing process.

    Instead of investing in an expensive cream for acne, look around at products you already have that may help alleviate breakouts. At night before you go to bed try dabbing a small amount of toothpaste, yes toothpaste, on your blemish. This will help you resist the urge to squeeze the pimples, and you will wake up with lessened redness and irritation.

    When you are trying to care for your acne, it is important that you try it in a delicate way. The skin where acne forms becomes tender. If you do not treat this skin properly, then it can get damaged and may cause your skin to have permanent damage in the future.

    As you can see, there are many household products that can help with your acne. But, there is no magic pill and if you do not do your part and develop healthy habits, your acne cure may be just a dream. With healthy habits and some at-home remedies, you can have healthy skin again.

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