• Revision as of 03:40, ngày 16 tháng 11 năm 2007 by (Thảo luận)
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    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Sự làm phản, sự mưu phản; tội phản quốc
    Hành động bội tín



    (in full high treason: see note below) violation by asubject of allegiance to the sovereign or to the State, esp. byattempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or to overthrowthe government.
    (in full petty treason) hist. murder of one'smaster or husband, regarded as a form of treason. °The crime ofpetty treason was abolished in 1828; the term high treason,originally distinguished from petty treason, now has the samemeaning as treason.
    Treasonous adj. [ME f. AF treisoun etc.,OF tra‹son, f. L traditio handing over (as TRADITION)]

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