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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Question, interrogate, query, quiz; inquire or enquire(of): Let's ask the policeman for information. Just askdirections of any passer-by. I merely asked if you were going myway. 2 demand, require, expect, request: Doing his laundry is alot to ask.
Beg, apply (to), appeal (to), seek (from),solicit (from), petition, plead (to), beg, beseech, pray,entreat, implore: In the streets, thousands of beggars askpassers-by for alms.
Ask after or about. inquire or enquire after orabout: My sister asked after you - wanted to know how you weregetting along. 6 ask for. a invite, attract, encourage,provoke: You're asking for trouble if you walk alone throughthat neighbourhood after dark. b request, seek: We asked formore time to finish the project.
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