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Kỹ thuật chung
Giải thích VN: Là hướng của một bề mặt dốc, được đo theo hướng la bàn, đo bằng độ từ phía Bắc theo chiều kim đồng hồ.
- aspect ratio
- tỷ số hướng
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Viewpoint, point of view, position, standpoint, side:Looked at from a different aspect, the problem did not seeminsurmountable after all. 2 complexion, light, angle,interpretation, mien, face: His conviction for robbery put adifferent aspect on hiring him as a security guard. 3 exposure,prospect, outlook, orientation: The western aspect of the roommade it sunny in the afternoons.
A a particular component or feature of a matter (only oneaspect of the problem). b a particular way in which a mattermay be considered.
A a facial expression; a look (a cheerfulaspect). b the appearance of a person or thing, esp. aspresented to the mind of the viewer (has a frightening aspect).3 the side of a building or location facing a particulardirection (southern aspect).
Aspectual adj. (in sense 4). [ME f. L aspectus f. adspicereadspect- look at (as AD-, specere look)]
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