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    Đã gửi cách đây 5310 ngày

    hihi mình hem có

    Đã gửi cách đây 5313 ngày

    Ban oi, bạn co đoạn phụ đề nao ko, co thể mail cho tớ để tớ dịch thử đc ko? came ơn D2 an nhiều nhé !!!

    Đã gửi cách đây 5338 ngày

    hic nếu công việc xong sớm thì tớ có thể giúp được. thử nhờ @nagn coi? tớ thấy hắn đang rảnh XD

    Đã gửi cách đây 5338 ngày

    tớ đâng cần trong chiều nay, bạn có thể dịch giúp ttows đc ko

    Đã gửi cách đây 5338 ngày

    mai tớ gửi cho bản giảm bớt dưới 200 trang cho

    Đã gửi cách đây 5338 ngày

    ok. nhưng cần gấp không. hihi vì tớ cũng đang bận làm. để chiều nay còn về sớm xem bóng đá ?

    Đã gửi cách đây 5338 ngày

    bạn xem giúp tớ và có thể rút gọn lại con 200 từ dc ko?

    Đã gửi cách đây 5338 ngày

    Kill two birds with one stone

    Policy of Political Department, which implements experimentally executive committee secretary simultaneously being chairman of People committee at district and ward levels (Integration), is “Kill two birds with one stone”. This policy can deal 3 objectives: improving Party leadership and Government administration, administrative reforms, enhancing leader’s responsibilities.

    Integration at district and ward levels is an objective requirement appeared long time ago. Firstly, it improves and enhances leadership role of the Party and administrative role of the Government. Executive committee secretary simultaneously being chairman of People committee will reduce gaps between policy and execution, erase many immediate steps, and reduce meeting and dissemination. Integration also decreases tasks having same contents of the Party and Government; improves quality of activities hold by these organizations that are identical and unnecessary. Role of the Party is improved whereas government’s activities infringe; and role of the government will be clearer whereas activities of executive committee encroach.

    Integration will make a breakthrough in administrative reforms and streamline public power mechanism. Secretary holding chairman will reduce “once door” in spite of two stamps. Beside “once door” streamline, integration will lessen various existing organs in vertical department system, decrease time for researches, investigation and summarizing which are overlapping, uncommon, prolonging time and reduce effectiveness of implementing policies of higher levels. Streamline of organs and functions will cause redundancy of some officers and some underprivileged cases. In spite of these redundancy and underprivileged cases, however, there is no reason to continue a bulky and out of date mechanism. Surely, reform and rearrangement with care, skill and fair will lessen negative impacts.

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