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    Đã gửi cách đây 3932 ngày

    bạn ơi , hỏi hộ dùm mình trên Bõ với bạn : sao minh ko thể đăng câu trả lời và câu hỏi hen? Thanks

    Đã gửi cách đây 3952 ngày

    ok tks ông Like nhé ! ^^

    Đã gửi cách đây 3958 ngày

    hi ban, sao minh ko thể đăng câu trả lời và câu hỏi hen? Thanks

    Đã gửi cách đây 3963 ngày

    vậy đi, xong nhé. Gặp ở cf bệt nhé. Đến đó mà có 1 mình mình thôi là xong phim luôn

    Đã gửi cách đây 3963 ngày

    Op ep vu gi vay em?

    Đã gửi cách đây 3990 ngày

    hi em, có 1 tên sinh cũng mới 30 cần gia sư học E giao tiếp, em dạy hắn nhậu đi, ss cho số nhé

    Đã gửi cách đây 4025 ngày

    Q: Cho em hỏi, 1 báo cáo có mục Attitute/skills/knowledge, ngta liệt kê từ/cụm từ (theo nội dung của mục),có chữ brainstorming (não công; động não),em thiển ý là "suy luận", có đc không ạ? vì 2 chữ đầu nghe không formal lắm (theo em) 6 trả lời A: thảo luận tự do? A: Ở mình nghe nhắc cái đó suốt, vote A1, nhưng không biết đúng không nữa...^^ A: kích thích não A: bạn P biết nó là skill gì mà :D A: Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề, còn nếu trong hội họp thì là thảo luận tìm giải pháp.

    Đã gửi cách đây 4061 ngày

    OK, 3 con dê! Vẫn 165 nhé!

    Đã gửi cách đây 4061 ngày

    Congras! Cuối cùng em cũng tìm được VL đúng ngành! và sẽ tiếp tục MBA plan chứ ?! SS không hề giận em tí nào, trường hợp BKK mà, nên không có gì phải ngại ngùng. Cafe thì OK chứ RTC thì ss chỉ có thể ngồi cạnh canh đập ruồi, muỗi dùm em thôi :). Keep in touch!

    Đã gửi cách đây 4176 ngày

    R bị điên

    Đã gửi cách đây 4210 ngày

    Life Is Like A Box of Chocolates


    Reading MountainWings has taught me how to look for and find a Moment, a moment in life, which however small, has a valuable lesson which can be applied to our everyday life.

    I would like to share a Moment that I recently experienced.

    It was the day after Christmas; my brother and I were visiting my aunt. It was a happy day, especially as they have five children, four under the age of six, and I, like many people, love small children.

    There was a box of sweets on the side, and kids being kids, naturally couldn't take their eyes off it. When my aunt came into the room, they all clamoured for a sweet, so she opened the box of Quality Street (a selection of chocolates) and divided them into so many for each child.

    My youngest cousin, age three, is famous for his funny sayings. Now was no different; he opened each sweet with undisguised glee, throwing the wrappers on the floor and yelling with more delight at each one - "Yay! Chocolate again!! Look, chocolate!!"

    Straight away, I recognized this as a MountainWings Moment. Yes, all of the sweets were chocolate, but the lesson here was that so many things in life we take for granted or expect them to be what they are so when we experience them we take almost no delight in them at all.

    Learning to be grateful for the "chocolate" of life, even if it is all "chocolate" is a valuable skill, and something that not many people know how to do.

    It is often in small children that it is found the most, and I felt that this was reflected in this story.

    ~ Original by Naomi, England~

    Đã gửi cách đây 4210 ngày



    My motto is:

    ”Contented with little, yet wishing for more.”

    ~Charles Lamb~

    Honest Criticism


    Honest criticism is hard to take,

    particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger.

    ~Franklin P. Jones~

    People Say

    People say that religion is a crutch.

    But there are times in all our lives where our circumstances cripple us and in those times,

    I'd much rather have God to lean on than any number of less savory alternatives

         Philip Morden, Woodstock, Ontario~

    Đã gửi cách đây 4210 ngày

    Choice or Chance


    When we meet the right person to love, when we're at the right place at the right time, that's chance.

    When you meet someone you're attracted to, that's not a choice. That's chance.

    Being caught up in a moment (and there are a lot of couples who get together because of this) is not a choice. That's also a chance.

    The difference is what happens afterwards. When will you take that infatuation, that crush, that mind- blowing attraction to the next level? That's when all sanity goes back, you sit down and contemplate whether you want to make this into a concrete relationship or just a fling.

    If you decide to love a person, even with his faults, that's not a chance. That's choice.

    When you choose to be with a person, no matter what, that's choice.

    Even if you know there are many people out there who are more attractive, smarter, and richer than your mate, and yet, you decide to love your mate just the same, that's choice.

    Infatuation, crushes, and attraction come to us by chance. But true love that lasts is truly a choice. A choice that we make.

    Regarding soulmates, there's a beautiful movie quote that I believe is so true about this: "Fate brings you together, but it's still up to you to make it happen."

    I believe that soulmates do exist, that there is truly someone made for you. But it's still up to you to make the choice if you're going to do something about it or not.

    We may meet our soulmates by chance, but loving and staying with our soulmate is still a choice we have to make.

    We came to the world not by finding someone perfect to love, BUT to learn how to love an imperfect person perfectly.

    Đã gửi cách đây 4236 ngày

    Thực sự Gà không biết, mong bạn chỉ giáo, xin thứ lỗi cho sự mu muội

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