• Blackjack

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a short, leather-covered club, consisting of a heavy head on a flexible handle, used as a weapon.
    Cards .
    twenty-one ( def. 4 ) .
    Also called natural. (in twenty-one) an ace together with a ten or a face card as the first two cards dealt.
    a variety of twenty-one in which any player can become dealer.
    black flag ( defs. 1, 2 ) .
    a small oak, Quercus marilandica, of the eastern U.S., having a nearly black bark and a wood of little value except for fuel.
    a large drinking cup or jug for beer, ale, etc., originally made of leather coated externally with tar. Compare bombard ( def. 7 ) .
    caramel or burnt sugar for coloring spirits, vinegar, coffee, etc.
    Mineralogy . a dark, iron-rich variety of sphalerite.

    Verb (used with object)

    to strike or beat with a blackjack.
    to compel by threat.


    dragoon , force

    tác giả

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