• Caisson

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a structure used in underwater work, consisting of an airtight chamber, open at the bottom and containing air under sufficient pressure to exclude the water.
    a boatlike structure used as a gate for a dock or the like.
    Nautical .
    Also called camel , pontoon. a float for raising a sunken vessel, sunk beside the vessel, made fast to it, and then pumped out to make it buoyant.
    a watertight structure built against a damaged area of a hull to render the hull watertight; cofferdam.
    a two-wheeled wagon, used for carrying artillery ammunition.
    an ammunition chest.
    a wooden chest containing bombs or explosives, used formerly as a mine.
    Architecture . coffer ( def. 4 ) .


    box , case , chamber , chest , float , wagon

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