Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- assuredly , beyond recall , beyond shadow of doubt , certainly , completely , conclusively , convincingly , decisively , definitely , determinately , done with , enduringly , for all time , for ever , for good , in conclusion , inescapably , inexorably , irrevocably , lastly , once and for all * , past regret , permanently , settled , with convictionnotes:finally is used when the item being introduced figures as part of a process or development; lastly should be used when the item introduced counts as part of a list , after all , after a while , already , as a sequel , at last , at length , at long last , at the end , at the last moment , belatedly , despite delay , eventually , in spite of all , in the eleventh hour , in the long run , someday , sometime , sooner or later * , subsequently , tardily , ultimately , yetnotes:finally is used when the item being introduced figures as part of a process or development; lastly should be used when the item introduced counts as part of a list , once and for all
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