• Gypsy

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of generally swarthy complexion, who migrated originally from India, settling in various parts of Asia, Europe, and, most recently, North America.
    Romany; the language of the Gypsies.
    ( lowercase ) a person held to resemble a gypsy, esp. in physical characteristics or in a traditionally ascribed freedom or inclination to move from place to place.
    ( lowercase ) Informal . gypsy cab.
    ( lowercase ) Informal . an independent, usually nonunion trucker, hauler, operator, etc.
    ( lowercase ) Slang . a chorus dancer, esp. in the Broadway theater.
    ( lowercase ) gyp 1 ( def. 4 ) .


    of or pertaining to the Gypsies.
    ( lowercase ) Informal . working independently or without a license
    gypsy truckers.

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