• Infidel

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Religion .
    a person who does not accept a particular faith, esp. Christianity.
    (in Christian use) an unbeliever, esp. a Muslim.
    (in Muslim use) a person who does not accept the Islamic faith; kaffir.
    a person who has no religious faith; unbeliever.
    (loosely) a person who disbelieves or doubts a particular theory, belief, creed, etc.; skeptic.


    not accepting a particular faith, esp. Christianity or Islam; heathen.
    without religious faith.
    due to or manifesting unbelief
    infidel ideas.
    rejecting the Christian religion while accepting no other; not believing in the Bible or any Christian divine revelation.
    Also, infidelic

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