• Iris

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.



    Anatomy . the contractile, circular diaphragm forming the colored portion of the eye and containing a circular opening, the pupil, in its center.
    Botany . any plant of the genus Iris, having showy flowers and sword-shaped leaves. Compare iris family .
    a flower of this plant.
    ( initial capital letter ) Classical Mythology . a messenger of the gods, regarded as the goddess of the rainbow.
    a rainbow.
    any appearance resembling a rainbow.
    Movies, Television . an iris-in or iris-out.
    Optics, Photography . iris diaphragm.

    Verb (used without object)

    Movies . to begin or end a take or scene with an iris-in or iris-out, achieved by manipulation of an iris diaphragm on the camera or by editing the film.

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