• Luring

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    anything that attracts, entices, or allures.
    the power of attracting or enticing.
    a decoy; live or esp. artificial bait used in fishing or trapping.
    Falconry . a feathered decoy for attracting a hawk, swung at the end of a long line and sometimes baited with raw meat.
    a flap or tassel dangling from the dorsal fin of pediculate fishes, as the angler, that attracts prey to the mouth region.

    Verb (used with object)

    to attract, entice, or tempt; allure.
    to draw or recall (esp. a falcon), as by a lure or decoy. ?


    in lure
    Heraldry . noting a pair of wings joined with the tips downward ( opposed to a vol ).

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