• Mildly

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    amiably gentle or temperate in feeling or behavior toward others.
    characterized by or showing such gentleness, as manners or speech
    a mild voice.
    not cold, severe, or extreme, as air or weather
    mild breezes.
    not sharp, pungent, or strong
    a mild flavor.
    not acute or serious, as disease
    a mild case of flu.
    gentle or moderate in force or effect
    mild penalties.
    soft; pleasant
    mild sunshine.
    moderate in intensity, degree, or character
    mild regret.
    British Dialect . comparatively soft and easily worked, as soil, wood, or stone.
    Obsolete . kind or gracious.


    British . beer that has a blander taste than bitter.

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