• Noun

    Biology .
    any simple, single-celled organism.
    any of various small, flagellate, colorless ameboids with one to three flagella, esp. of the genus Monas.
    Chemistry . an element, atom, or group having a valence of one. Compare dyad ( def. 3 ) , triad ( def. 2a ) .
    Philosophy .
    (in the metaphysics of Leibniz) an unextended, indivisible, and indestructible entity that is the basic or ultimate constituent of the universe and a microcosm of it.
    (in the philosophy of Giordano Bruno) a basic and irreducible metaphysical unit that is spatially and psychically individuated.
    any basic metaphysical entity, esp. having an autonomous life.
    a single unit or entity.


    atom , one , unit

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