• Noun

    a folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object, package, etc., to float down safely through the air from a great height, esp. from an aircraft, rendered effective by the resistance of the air that expands it during the descent and reduces the velocity of its fall.
    parachute brake.
    Horology . a shockproofing device for the balance staff of a watch, consisting of a yielding, springlike support for the bearing at either end.
    Informal .
    the aggregate of benefits, as severance pay or vacation pay, given an employee who is dismissed from a company.
    golden parachute.

    Verb (used with object)

    to drop or land (troops, equipment, supplies, etc.) by parachute.

    Verb (used without object)

    to descend by parachute.

    tác giả

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