• Prescription

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Medicine/Medical .
    a direction, usually written, by the physician to the pharmacist for the preparation and use of a medicine or remedy.
    the medicine prescribed
    Take this prescription three times a day.
    an act of prescribing.
    that which is prescribed.
    Law .
    Also called positive prescription. a long or immemorial use of some right with respect to a thing so as to give a right to continue such use.
    Also called positive prescription. the process of acquiring rights by uninterrupted assertion of the right over a long period of time.
    Also called negative prescription. the loss of rights to legal remedy due to the limitation of time within which an action can be taken.


    (of drugs) sold only upon medical prescription; ethical. Compare over-the-counter ( def. 2 ) .

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