• Noun, plural protei / ?pro? ti?a? / Show Spelled Pronunciation [ proh -tee-ahy ] Show IPA Pronunciation for 3.

    Classical Mythology . a sea god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, noted for his ability to assume different forms and to prophesy.
    a person or thing that readily changes appearance, character, principles, etc.
    ( lowercase ) Bacteriology . any of several rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria of the genus Proteus, sometimes found as pathogens in the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts of humans.


    (Greek mythology) a prophetic god who served Poseidon; was capable of changing his shape at will
    type genus of the Proteidae
    (Class. Myth.) A sea god in the service of Neptune who assumed different shapes at will. Hence, one who easily changes his appearance or principles.
    (Zo["o]l.) (a) A genus of aquatic eel-shaped amphibians found in caves in Austria. They have permanent external gills as well as lungs. The eyes are small and the legs are weak. (b) A changeable protozoan; an am[oe]ba.

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