• Regulator

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a person or thing that regulates.
    Horology .
    an adjustable device in a clock or a watch for making it go faster or slower.
    a master clock, usually of great accuracy, against which other clocks are checked.
    Machinery .
    a governor mechanism for regulating the flow of fuel, steam, etc., to an engine in order to maintain constant speed under varying load or resistance.
    a valve for regulating the pressure of flowing gas or liquid to maintain a predetermined pressure.
    any of various mechanisms for maintaining a temperature, a level of liquid in a tank, etc.
    Electricity . a device for maintaining a designated characteristic, as voltage or current, at a predetermined value, or for varying it according to a predetermined plan.
    a device on scuba equipment for regulating the rate at which compressed air is fed through a breathing tube in proportion to the depth of water.
    a device for maintaining a constant gas pressure.
    ( initial capital letter ) American History .
    a member of any of several bands or committees in North Carolina (1767?71), formed to resist certain abuses, as extortion by officials.
    (in newly settled areas) a member of any band or committee organized to preserve order before the establishment of regular legal authority.


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