• Screed

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a long discourse or essay, esp. a diatribe.
    an informal letter, account, or other piece of writing.
    Building Trades .
    a strip of plaster or wood applied to a surface to be plastered to serve as a guide for making a true surface.
    a wooden strip serving as a guide for making a true level surface on a concrete pavement or the like.
    a board or metal strip dragged across a freshly poured concrete slab to give it its proper level.
    British Dialect . a fragment or shred, as of cloth.
    a tear or rip, esp. in cloth.
    a drinking bout.

    Verb (used with object), verb (used without object)

    Scot. to tear, rip, or shred, as cloth.

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