• Noun

    any cylindrical piece or device on which something is wound.
    a small cylindrical piece of wood or other material on which yarn is wound in spinning, for use in weaving; a bobbin.
    a small cylinder of wood or other material on which thread, wire, or tape is wound, typically expanded or with a rim at each end and having a hole lengthwise through the center.
    the material or quantity of material wound on such a device.
    Angling . the cylindrical drum in a reel that bears the line.

    Verb (used with object)

    to wind on a spool.
    to unwind from a spool (usually fol. by off or out ).
    Computers . to operate (an input/output device) by using buffers in main and secondary storage.

    Verb (used without object)

    to wind.
    to unwind.


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