• Troll

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to sing or utter in a full, rolling voice.
    to sing in the manner of a round or catch.
    to fish for or in with a moving line, working the line up or down with a rod, as in fishing for pike, or trailing the line behind a slow-moving boat.
    to move (the line or bait) in doing this.
    to cause to turn round and round; roll.
    Obsolete . to hand around, as a bowl of liquor at table.

    Verb (used without object)

    to sing with a full, rolling voice; give forth full, rolling tones.
    to be uttered or sounded in such tones.
    to fish by trolling.
    to roll; turn round and round.
    to move nimbly, as the tongue in speaking.


    a song whose parts are sung in succession; a round.
    the act of trolling.
    a lure used in trolling for fish.
    the fishing line containing the lure and hook for use in trolling.

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