• Wig

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    an artificial covering of hair for all or most of the head, of either synthetic or natural hair, worn to be stylish or more attractive.
    a similar head covering, worn in one's official capacity, as part of a costume, disguise, etc.
    a toupee or hairpiece.
    British Informal . a wigging.

    Verb (used with object)

    to furnish with a wig.
    British Informal . to reprimand or reprove severely; scold. ?

    Verb phrase

    wig out, Slang .
    to be intoxicated with narcotic drugs.
    to make or become wildly excited or enthusiastic
    She wigs out over every rock star that comes along.


    flip one's wig
    Slang . lid ( def. 9 ) .

    tác giả

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