• Hình:Http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~coble/final project/images/ACL.jpg

    Knee arthritis, as the term connotes, is the inflammation in knee joints that causes unbearable discomfort and sometimes, has the effect of making it hard to walk or even stand up. It is typical when a person reaches the age of 50 years old, or if a person is overweight.

    Another factor that can pull the knee from alignment is tightness from the tensor fascia latae and more specifically the iliotibial ring (a thick tendon-like area of the tensor fasciae latae). This band passes down the outside of the thigh and inserts just under the knee. Tightness in this region can cause the tendons to pull the knee joint outside of alignment and rub against the outside the knee, which results during inflammation and pain. Such tightness is understood "iliotibial band syndrome".

    These were some of the knee effusion causes. It is important not to self treat the condition. Also the knee effusion symptoms can vary from person. It is advisable to let the physician to treat the condition.

    iframe http://www.youtube.com/embed/k642N2mgUkU height="300" width="400"

    Hip and knee pain can be prevented to a great extent, if proper body weight is maintained and thus taking the pressure off from the lower part of the body. Regular exercises can keep the muscles of these areas in strong and flexible state, which in turn will prevent any form of injury. It is also very important to stretch the muscles with warm up exercises before any strenuous activities, like running, to prevent any damage to them.

    To get rid of knee pain when bending, you should identify the reason for the pain and act accordingly. One of the best ways to provide immediate relief from the pain is by using the RICE method - Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

    Orthotics is designed to correct faulty foot function reducing the amount of ankle role and arch flattening during the gait cycle. In turn this will reduce the amount of internal rotation of the ankles, legs and knees. By correcting over-pronation orthotics re-align the feet and ankle bones to their neutral position, restoring our natural foot function. Therefore, orthotics not only helps alleviateproblems in the feet but also in otherparts of the body such as the knees and lower back.

    When an Arthroscopy is performed, a camera is inserted into the joint through a small incision (about one centimeter). The arthroscopic surgery camera is attached to a fiberoptic light source and shows a picture of the inside of the joint on a television monitor. The surgeon uses fluid pumped through the joint to aid in visibility and clear debris from the joint. One or more other incisions are made to insert instruments that can treat a variety of conditions. For example, a shaver can be inserted to trim torn cartilage from a joint.

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