• I recall beginning up GTA III back in 2001 on my Playstation 2 and just being amazed, the thought of being able to do anything and go lots of places was a new thing to me in video games, and as we know it changed so much.

    Looking back all these months after I have more respect for this video game than ever before, because only finally at this point do I fully realize the influence this game had in so many ways. Many owe a lot to GTA 3, gamers and publisher the same.

    All the GTA games following this game were great, and gave a lot in their unique form, but none were nearly as influential and creative as the original. I have been thinking of this game as of late, and I'm beginning to think it may be the best game ever.

    If you even now have not totally finished this game for whatever reason then do yourself a favor and just download this game now and play this great game.

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