Herbal Treatment For Fibroids In The Uterus
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
The second kind of kidney cyst that comes into the picture is a complex renal cyst which is the opposite of the previous kind, in that the cyst is irregular when the lining is observed along with its shape as well. The features of the cysts vary depending on the type it is, for example, if it is a cyst that has fine walls or those that are coarse and thick, it would mean that it is malignant in nature, thus posing as a risk for developing into kidney cancer.
Uterine fibroids are a complex condition with the precise causes in an individual being very difficult to determine. The causes can vary from person to person, but the reason they grow is believed to be as a result of an imbalance, for which there can be various primary and secondary causes. Many women ask the question, "can stress cause fibroids to grow" and although on its own, stress is unlikely to be the primary cause, it can most certainly be a factor and indeed could be the "straw that broke the camel's back" in terms of triggering growth.
Many women strive to find a natural cure for fibroids rather than undergoing costly and painful surgery otherwise living with the condition. But it is not always so easy. Although Fibroid specialists London may advocate leaving fibroids alone since they will shrink for the duration of the menopause, but if you have years to go or if your symptoms are severe this is simply not acceptable. Other treatment option is surgery to remove fibroids, which is not a permanent solution, because within months of removal, fibroids can grow again.
However, this must be weighed up against the fact that by using natural cures for fibroids you may be either avoiding surgery altogether or at the very least, eliminating the symptoms of your fibroids from your life altogether and surely it is worth a little effort.
When looking at the question "can stress cause fibroids to grow" we can find a direct link between the biochemical effects which stress has on the body and how this can relate to fibroids. Stress causes an increase in blood sugar, muscle contraction, an increase in blood pressure and the release of stress hormones. When we are stressed, it is a fact that we generally feel more pain and that our muscles become tense. This means that our fibroid symptoms can seem much worse. In terms of growth, then the disruption of hormones and the body's biochemical processes can cause the menstrual cycle to disfunction, possibly causing uterine cells to multiply, thus creating fibroids.
The study; by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, included over 1,000 women, aged 35-49, living in the Washington, D.C area. Blood samples, taken from the women, were analyzed for Vitamin D levels. Those with sufficient levels of Vitamin D were shown to be 32% less likely to develop fibroids.
Ethnic origin. African-American, Caribbean women and Latina women are more likely to develop fibroids than Caucasian or Asian women. This may be, in part, due to the high levels of natural hormones, estrogen/progesterone, produced by African-American women.
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