• Controlling the pubococcygeus muscle is another way of stopping premature ejaculation. Pelvic muscle is the muscle we use to stop ourselves from urinating midstream. Train the muscle. Contract that muscle at least ten times a day to enhance your ability to control it. Pelvic muscle training is rather easy to do and you can actually do it anytime anywhere without being "caught" of doing it.

    Premature ejaculation is a situation which makes a number of male as well as female frustrated, embarrassed and unhappy. There are even worse cases where the guy simply ejaculates prior to getting it into the female's vagina. This lowers the self-confidence of a man. This thus leads to a sexual dissatisfaction.

    This is not all that shocking, considering that recent studies have shown that today's males are producing about 40% less semen and sperm than men just 3 or 4 decades ago. This is a huge decrease in a relatively short amount of time, and can be attributed to a number of factors. Some of the top reasons for reduced semen output are listed below.

    Stress and anxiety including depression causes your body's blood pressure to go up and a surge of adrenaline in your body leading to an early climax before you can enjoy it fully. Stress also cause irregular hormone, and serotonin level to drop making difficulty in controlling impulses leading to premature ejaculation.

    Release of semen during sleep, else known as nocturnal emission or wet dreams is a health disorder commonly found during adolescence period. Both physical and psychological reasons play equally vital roles in the formation of wet dreams or release of semen during sleep. Some times the person may not be realizing the condition in his sleep. This worsens the situation and if no treatment is provided in earlier stages, it may even lead to infertility. Hormonal and mental disorders, erectile dysfunction and impotency are some of the risk factors due to persistent release of semen during sleep. Now, let's see how to treat release of semen during sleep?

    Your doctor can also choose to use psychotherapy to help you overcome problems and anxieties that are associated with sexual encounter. He may suggest you with some techniques that you and your partner can use to enjoy the sexual encounter.

    There can be numerous factors that can cause hematuria. But sometimes, the urine may turn red or brown not because of the presence of blood cells, but due to the consumption of certain dark-colored foods, like beets, rhubarb, and berries, which of course is not a cause of concern. Similarly, intake of some medications, such as phenazopyridine can also change the color of the urine.

    The vast majority of men - at least 75% - achieve orgasm on a regular basis, either through masturbation or during intercourse. On the other hand, only about 50% of women achieve consistent orgasms. On the other hand, men believe that they have given their partner an orgasm about 85% of the time - so either a lot of guys are fooling themselves, or their partners are good at faking it.


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