• Are there any downsides? Well, that may depend on your perspective. Kiefer, the creator of backloading has a background in training figure competitors so that is the perspective from which this book approaches diet. Big muscles and minimal fat gain. If that’s you’re primary objective, then this is likely the protocol for you. However, there is little discussion of the overall health impact of carb backloading. If this is something that concerns you, it may be a good idea to get some labs drawn before beginning and after a few months of compliance. Of primary interest may be blood lipids and inflammation markers.
    Consistency is something I shot for no matter what happened with training times or anything else. It was always one complex carb source in the evening, no matter what. Whether it was an off-day, or if I trained in the morning like I often do on the weekends. I still consumed my one carb source in the evening when insulin sensitivity is at its lowest. The meal with the carb source was almost always the last meal of the day with the exception of a casein shake before bed. I didn’t alter meal times or anything like that either.
    To start, some of my opinions have changed. Mainly about workout pre/peri/post intake. I've really embraced a lot of what John Meadows has written about it, and the science and research he's put behind his words. I'm not much of a lab coat guy unless those lab coat theories have been put to the test. This is another reason why I hate the mental masturbation crew and people that say dumb shit like "Paul comes to all the right answers for all the wrong reasons." You mean that I don't come to a specific conclusion because of "lab geeks" and prefer real world anecdotal evidence?
    The guide is geared towards helping users master the MTR system, which stands for Modulated Tissue Response. This pertains to the human body’s unique task of making use of carbohydrates on the purpose of giving the muscle bearing a boost. In accordance with Kiefer’s explanation, foods high in carbohydrates can add significant pounds to the body, but they can also aid in fat loss acceleration and muscle building. He also stresses that high-glycemic foods shed fats and enhance muscle growth. The key is to figure out the proper time to eat and how to do it properly.
    Yes, it worked for me and I had also tried everything before, I've also eaten donuts and woke up leaner the next day. The author of the manual also says he eats cherry turnovers, hamburgers and fries, ice cream and cheesecake and guess what? He still wakes up every morning to a toned, muscular body and a six-pack of abs. This is because reserach has shown that for easy, sustainable fat loss, insulin levels should be kept as low as possible during the fast half of the day and spiked late at night.
    In addition, Carb Backloading encourages users to stringently follow a strict eating regimen for a certain number of days prior to allowing them to indulge. In this kind of diet method, the user will be required to eat a maximum of 30 grams of carbs for the first ten days of the diet approach. Afterwards, users will be allowed to eat as mush carbs they like and they will still be assured to lose excess fats. It is truly interesting to note that once the first ten days are strictly followed, you will surely gain positive results.

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