• Babies with this condition resemble rag dolls, in the sense that they lack muscle strength. As you hold them, they feel loose in your hands and may even slip. While normal infants can be lifted by holding them under their armpits, this may prove difficult for babies with floppy baby syndrome. In such cases, the baby may slip out of your hold, as their arms raise upward due to muscle weakness. In short, such babies lack the required muscle strength to maintain a posture or hold on to something and usually exhibit uncontrolled head movements. The symptoms depend on the underlying cause, severity of the condition, age and the type of muscles affected. The following are some of the general symptoms of this condition.

    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that occurs gradually and results in memory loss, behavior changes, and a decline in cognitive abilities. These losses are related to the death of brain cells and the breakdown of the connections between them.

    Anticholinesterase drugs are given for fatigue and muscle weakness but they have many side effects like headaches, sweating, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, Surgery is another option but it doesn't work for all people.

    What a physiotherapist needs to do in this case is to reinforce on controlled expiration. One of the ways to do this is by making the patient lead forward at the hip area or flexing the spine during the process of expiration (breathing out). This movement thrusts the viscera effectively into the diaphragm, which facilitates easy expiration.

    Apart from patients suffering from respiratory problems, people with neuromuscular problems like Guillain-Barr syndrome, cystic fibrosis and myasthenia gravis (progressive muscle weakness) can also show positive results from physiotherapy.

    Double vision due to eye injuries can be prevented by wearing protective goggles and headgear during sporting activities and at work. There is no way to prevent double vision due to age related cataracts.

    It is important that patients understand the limitations of a blepharoplasty procedures. Although doctors can cut out loose skin and fat tissue and tighten eyelid muscles to give patients a refreshed appearance, they cannot remove wrinkles around the eyes, lift sagging eyebrows, or eliminate dark circles with a blepharoplasty procedure.


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