Earlier this month, researchers described "an apparent function of the mammalian cecal appendix as a safe-house for symbiotic gut microbes" in a in a Journal of Evolutionary Biology article. In layman's terms, the team found that the human appendix, which once may have served as a gateway for a secondary stomach known as a cecum, harbors the types of "good" bacteria that line the intestines and aid in digestion and immune system function.
Diagnosing appendicitis can be very problematic for medical professionals. Appendicitis usually generates non-characteristic symptoms, thus slowing down the process of diagnosis. In many cases, appendicitis may progress latently, causing no outwardly visible symptoms. Asymptomatic appendicitis sufferers may perceive the symptoms of the disorder long after they develop complications, thus having reduced chances of recovery.
Surgery under Appendicitis Treatment (to remove the appendix) can be done one of two ways-laparoscopic or traditional. Experts do not agree on which surgery is best. It often depends on what your surgeon prefers. Laparoscopic surgery uses three or four small cuts or incisions, and traditional appendectomy uses one larger incision. Most people feel better immediately after surgery. Some people can even go home the same day.
Darwin in fact argued, in The Descent of Man, that the appendix was a useless organ'"a vestige of a much larger equivalent found in simians (but not monkeys). In simians, the cecum and its appendix assist in the digestion of green leafy vegetables. (Ruminants digest such food, and even twigs, in their unique four-chambered stomach.) Darwin reasoned that because the appendix is normally much smaller in man than it is in primates, it is a remnant of the primate counterpart, and successive generations carried ever-smaller ceca and appendices and passed these traits on to their offspring.
Pancreas consists of glandular tissue and a system of ducts. The main pancreatic duct carries the pancreatic fluid to the duodenum. The main duct has many small branches and it joins the bile duct at the end. The endocrine (endo = within) as well as the exocrine (exo = outward) parts of pancreas play an important role in the process of digestion.
The location of appendix in human body, makes it vulnerable to infections. It has an opening in the middle section, through which fecal matter may enter. This can serve as an entry point for various infections. An inflammation of appendix or appendicitis is a common disease. In such cases appendicitis surgery for removal of appendix is often recommended. In fact, appendicitis is the only time when you are made aware of the appendix in your body.
Although it can occur at any age, appendicitis is common in very young children and teenagers. At early ages, children experience serious difficulties in coping with appendicitis and in many cases they present with complications by the time they receive an appropriate medical treatment. Children perceive more intense symptoms of appendicitis and they often experience a wide range of uncharacteristic clinical manifestations. While older children are able to communicate their distress, very young children and babies are unable to express themselves and thus they are more difficult to diagnose with internal disorders such as appendicitis.
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