• A poodle skirt is just a broad felt skirt usually of a captivating strong shade ( frequently pink and blue ) exhibiting an image attached or employed in the material. The look was often a French poodle. Later replaces for the patch contained hot rod automobiles, and flamingos, flowers. The skirt was born in the 50's in the Usa, created by Juli Lynne Charlot. The skirt was interesting and easy that folks craft themselves, because the style was uncomplicated and the fabric readily accessible. Film stars typically wore this skirt, also it featured extensively in magazines and adverts, and lots of were ready to keep up with Hollywood's fashions, contributing to its reputation.

    The poodle skirt stays one of many very unforgettable varieties of 1950s Americana and is really a modern, retro style.

    Here's more information about poodle shirt stop by http://poodle-skirts-for-sale.webs.com/

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