• Why Cant I get Pregnant

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.

    Our street is dotted with young families, so I know that sibling relationships involve the same struggles as they always have. Brothers and sisters shove each other, pull hair and plunder toys. Still, there are moments of companionship like the impromptu backyard soccer game, the delirious unwrapping of gifts on Christmas morning. These are the things that convinced me it was time to start my family.

    My husband and I began trying to conceive and I had always assumed it would be easy but it was anything but easy. I started to wonder why cant I get pregnant.

    In the time we had been trying, I had watched friends go from announcing pregnancies to toting around babies. My gynecologist, again assuring me that I was fertile, sent my husband and me to a reproductive endocrinologist. Most insurance policies do not cover fertility treatments, and I worried that I was wasting money on something we did not need.

    I was 32. Advice poured forth. My husband and I should take a vacation, do yoga, eat chocolate. We should quit trying so hard. We should be patient. Each question and piece of advice implied the same thing: The trouble was only in our heads.

    Finally I read a book by Beth Kiley called Personal Path To Pregnancy and it changed my life. Within 2 months I had conceived our first child and we were thrilled. It turns out that I was making some mistakes in the way we were trying to conceive and the book quickly showed us the proper way. If any women is wondering to herself why cant I get pregnant than I highly recommend this book.

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