1. Atomic absorption - also AAS
    2. Associate Administrator
    3. Alternatives Analysis
    4. Aluminum Association
    5. Assistant Administrator
    6. Assembly Area
    7. Auto Answer
    8. Access authorization
    9. Accountable Area
    10. Activation analysis - also actvnanal
    11. Adverse Action
    12. Advices of Allowance
    13. American Airlines
    14. Antiaircraft
    15. Automobile Association
    16. Associate in Arts
    17. Absolute alcohol
    18. Academic Affairs
    19. Acetic acid - also Ac, AC A, Acet A and AcOH
    20. Adipic acid - also ADA and Adip
    21. Acrylic acid - also AAc and Acrl
    22. Arachidonic acid - also ArAc and ARA
    23. Avenue of Approach - also A/A
    24. Air-to-Air - also A/A and A-A
    25. Afferent arteriole - also Af-Art
    26. Afferent arterioles - also AAs, Aff, Af, Af-Arts and Af-Art
    27. Acetate - also ACA, AC, Ac-, ACE, aTA and actt
    28. Abnormal metaphases - also AN
    29. Average - also AVG, av, ave, AVGE, av. and A
    30. Acetazolamide - also ACTZ, ACZ, Az, AZM, AZA, ACET, ATZ and ACZM
    31. Azelaic acid - also AZA
    32. Acetaminophen - also ACM, ACETA, AAP, AP, ACT, ACET, ACAP, AC and ACE
    33. Amino acid mixture - also AAM
    34. Acrylamide - also ACR, AAM, AM, AC and ACAM
    35. Autoantibodies - also AAs, A-Ab, AAB, aAbs, AutoAb, Abs, AB, autoAbs and ATA
    36. Atypical antipsychotics - also AAPs
    37. Adriamycin - also adria, adr, a, ADM, AM, Ad and ADRM
    38. Ablation - also ABL and A
    39. Acetylacetone - also ACAC
    40. Acetaldehyde - also AcH, AcA, ACT, Ac, ACE and ACD
    41. Acetanilide - also Actld
    42. Allyl alcohol - also AlOH
    43. Alopecia - also alo
    44. Allowance - also ALW, a and Allow
    45. Alumina - also Al2O3, Al and A
    46. Anesthesia - also anes, ANA and ASA
    47. Amnesia - also AMN
    48. American - also am and Amer
    49. Anorexia - also anx and AN
    50. Argininic acid - also ArgA
    51. Associated - also assocd and asso.
    52. Astrocytomas - also AAs, AST, ASTRs and AS
    53. Astronomy and Astrophysics - also A&A and Astron Astrophys
    54. Antioxidant activity - also AOX and AOA
    55. Air to Air - also A/A and ATA
    56. Alterations - also ATAs
    57. Atypical - also atyp, AC and A
    58. Airborne Antenna - also A/A
    59. Anti-aircraft - also A/A
    60. Alerting Authority - also A/A
    61. Algorithmic Architecture - also A2
    62. Anti-armor - also A2

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