1. Affirmative Action Plan
    2. AAPCO
    3. Apollo Applications Program
    4. American Academy of Pediatrics - also AAOP
    5. Asbestos Action Program
    6. Affirmative Action Program
    7. Army Ammunition Plant
    8. Allied Administrative Publication
    9. American Academy of Periodontology
    10. Association of American Publishers
    11. Air at atmospheric pressure
    12. Applications Access Point
    13. Academy of Periodontology
    14. Academy of Pediatrics
    15. Abbreviated Acquisition Program
    16. Academic Achievement Programs
    17. Acetaminophen - also ACM, ACETA, AA, AP, ACT, ACET, ACAP, AC and ACE
    18. Address Allocation Protocol
    19. Adelaide Activities Profile
    20. Alanyl aminopeptidase - also AAP-S
    21. Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy - also AAPT
    22. American Academy of Psychoanalysis - also AAPSA
    23. Alanine aminopeptidase - also Ala-AP

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