3. Airspace Coordination Area
    4. American Conservation Association
    5. Attitude Control Assembly
    6. Asynchronous Communications Adapter
    7. Advanced Computer Applications
    8. Airspace Control Authority
    9. Absolute Calibration Audit
    10. American Cartographic Association
    11. American Chiropractic Association
    12. American Correctional Association
    13. American Counseling Association - also ACA-PRN
    14. Anterior cerebral artery
    15. Associate Contractor Agreement
    16. Amputee Coalition of America
    17. Association of Consultant Architects
    18. Acetate - also AC, Ac-, ACE, AA, aTA and actt
    19. Adenocarcinoma - also adenoca, ADENO, AC, ADC, AD and AdCa
    20. Adenocarcinomas - also ADCAs, ACAs, AC, ACs, ADC, AdCs and Ad
    21. Acetoacetate - also AcAc and AA
    22. Acetaldehyde - also AcH, AA, ACT, Ac, ACE and ACD
    23. Anterior cerebral arteries - also ACAs
    24. Anticardiolipin antibodies - also aCL, ACAs, aCLs and ACLAs
    25. Anterior communicating artery - also acom, ACoA, AComA and A-com
    26. Adenylyl cyclase - also ACase and AC
    27. Air Combat Command - also ACC
    28. Adult children of alcoholics - also ACOA, ACOAs and ACAs
    29. Anti cardiolipin antibody - also acla
    30. Anticentromere antibodies - also ACAs
    31. Aminocaproic acid - also Amicar
    32. Association - also assoc, Ass, Assn, ASIA, AOA, ASA, A, Assocn, assn. and assoc.
    33. Antibodies to cardiolipin - also A-CL and aCL

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