1. Artificial Intelligence - also Artif Intell
    2. Active ingredient - also a.i.
    3. Airborne Intercept
    4. Air Interdiction - also Al
    5. Atomics International
    6. Analog Input - also ANI
    7. Attitude Indicator
    8. Access Interface
    9. Action Item
    10. Adapter Interface
    11. Acoustic imaging
    12. Airborne Interceptor
    13. Activate Indication
    14. Air Interception
    15. Amnesty International
    16. Application Interface - also API
    17. Airspeed Indicator
    18. Altitude Indicator
    19. Aortic insufficiency
    20. Area of Interest - also AOI
    21. Aluminum - also Al, A, Al-LT-ET, Al-LTM and Alum
    22. Aortic - also AO and AR
    23. Activity - also ACT, ACVY, AC, AT, ACTY, A and ACTVTY
    24. Acceleration index - also ACI
    25. Auditory cortex - also AC and ACx
    26. Auditory cortical field - also AII
    27. Application Identifier - also AID and APID
    28. Angiotensin - also ang, A-II, AG, AT, AII and AngII
    29. Adoptive immunotherapy - also AIT and ADI
    30. Augmentation index - also AIx, AAI and AGI
    31. Angiotensin i - also AngI, A-I, ANG-I and AT-I
    32. Auditory - also aud
    33. Anti Ice - also A/I
    34. Allergy and immunology - also A&I

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