2. Automatic Level Control
    3. Alcohol - also ROH, A and AL
    4. Application Limiting Constituent
    5. Acceptable Level of Competence
    6. Adaptation Layer Controller
    7. Acetyl-l-carnitine - also ALCar and AC
    8. Airline Link Control
    9. Agency Location Code
    10. Approximate lethal concentration
    11. Automatic Leveling Circuit
    12. Arithmetic and Logic Circuits
    13. Automatic Load Control
    14. Automatic Light Control
    15. Absolute lymphocyte count
    16. Accommodation Level Crossing
    17. Absolute lymphocyte
    18. Absolute lymphocyte counts
    19. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis - also AL-LC and AC
    20. Altered level of consciousness - also ALOC
    21. Administration and Logistics Center - also ALOC

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